Alarm + Alexa

How to use alarms with Alexa

In this article, you will learn voice commands to set up alarms on your Alexa assistant. You will be able to manage several alarms to wake you up or just to remind you to do an important task.
You can also manage your alarms and ring type from the Alexa application. You’ll find classic alarms and even sound clips from movies.
Alexa can set alarms for the current year. Unlike a reminder, no notification will be displayed on your phone with the Alexa application installed. If you need to set reminders, please visit our article How to use reminders with Alexa.
If you have more than one Alexa device, the alarm will only sound on the one you have instructed.
There are many ways to set reminders with Alexa and Amazon is constantly improving its speech recognition and functionality. Here we give you some examples of commands that we have tested in English that should help you explore Alexa’s capabilities.

Create an alarm

Here is how to set up a general alarm on your Echo device using Alexa.

One-time alarm

Alexa, set an alarm for [day|date] at [time]
Alexa, set an alarm at [time] [day|date]
Alexa, wake me up [date] at [time]



Alexa, set an alarm for [Sunday]
Alexa, set an alarm at [2 pm]
Alexa, set an alarm for [December 21st] at [8 am]


Recurring alarms

Alexa, set an alarm each|every [day] at [time]



Alexa, set an alarm every [Monday] at [7:30 in the morning]
Alexa, set an alarm each [weekday]
Alexa, set an alarm every [weekend] at [8:30 am]
Alexa, set an alarm every [day] at [ 5 to 8 in the evening]


Music Alarm

Forget the boring old alarm buzzer, wake up in a more pleasant way listening to some music that you love. Why would you like to use the old fashioned alarm sound to wake up when Alexa can excel at playing music, podcasts or any sound you available from your music services.

Create an Alarm with music

This option plays any music you might like.

Alexa, set music alarm for [7 am]


Alarm set for [7 am] [tomorrow] to music on Amazon Music


Create an Alarm with music

If you don’t like the selection of music Alexa chooses for you, there is a way to specify another music to play. Wake up in the morning to the music that you want to listen to. Choose a song, a group, a playlist or a style.

Alexa, set music alarm to [song] for [time]
Alexa, set music alarm to [group] for [time]
Alexa, set music alarm to my playlist for [time]
Alexa, set music alarm to [music style] for [time]


Here you are an example for playing the song “Lovely Day” as an alarm.

Alexa, set music alarm to [Lovely Day] for [7 am]


Alarm set for [7 am] to [Lovely Day] on Amazon Music


Set an alarm for another device

Let’s say you are not next to the Echo unit on which you want to program the alarm. One solution would be to use the Alexa application and set up the alarm for the desired Echo device. If you have more than one Alexa device, you can set the alarm from any Echo in your house by indicating the name of the other Echo you want to set the alarm for.

Alexa, set an alarm [tomorrow] at [7:15 am] on [Echo name]


Alarme programmée


Know your alarms

You might have set up several alarms and can’t remember when is the next one. It is possible to consult yours alarms in the Alexa app but you can also ask her to tell you which alarm you’ve got on.

Alexa, what are my alarms?
Alexa, when is my next alarm?
Alexa, what time is my alarm set for?


You have 2 alarms:
[6:15 pm]

and [8 am] tomorrow


Activer et désactiver une alarme

Cela permet d’arrêter une alarme avant qu’elle ne se déclenche ou la retirer temporairement. Si il y a déjà une alarme de programmée pour un appareil Alexa, il est possible de l’activer ou le désactiver pour qu’elle ne sonne plus. Si tu as plus d’une alarme active, Alexa te les listera en fonction de leur heure et tu pourras sélectionner celle que tu souhaites arrêter.

Alexa, annule | désactive mon alarme


En spécifiant l’alarme, si tu en as plusieurs.

Alexa, annule | désactive mon alarme de [14:00]


Alarme à [14h00] annulée


Tu peux la réactiver quand tu veux.

Alexa, active mon alarme de [14:00]


Alarme programmée pour [14:00] [demain]


Cancelling alarms

This disables but does not delete the alarm. If you want to delete alarms, go to the Alexa app under Reminder and Alarms, choose your device and select the desired alarm and delete it.

All alarms

To disable all alarms on an Echo device.

Alexa, cancel all my alarms


A specific alarm

To disable one of your alarms on an Echo device.

Alexa, cancel alarm for [previously set time]


Stop the alarm

Une fois que l’alarme sonne, elle ne s’arrête pas. Il faut que tu l’arrêtes soit en appuyant dessus le bouton d’action de ton Appareil Echo (celui avec un point) ou soit par la voix.

Ring Ring !!!


Alexa, stop!
Alexa, dismiss!


Snooze the alarm

Standard snooze duration

When the alarm rings and you’re not ready to get up, ask Alexa to snooze the alarm for another 9 minutes. If it’s a musical alarm, the music will start again from the beginning and not where you stopped it with the snooze.

Alexa, snooze


Snooze for a different duration

The snooze delay by default is 9 min. You can ask Alexa for a different duration.

Alexa, snooze for [duration]


For a 30 minutes snooze:

Alexa, snooze for [30 minutes]


Ok, snozzing [30 minutes]

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